Time to Vote for the 2011 Weblog Awards (aka the bloggies)...

The finalists for the 2011 Weblog Awards have been chosen.
Now it's up to all of us to help decide who gets the 'bloggie'.
Casting your vote is as simple as heading over to the weblog awards site and clicking on your choices for each of the 30 categories (of course, you don't have to vote for all the categories - only the ones that interest you)
Each category has five nominees.
This year's travel category nominees are... (drum roll)
Camels & Chocolate
Everything Everywhere
Hole In The Donut Cultural Travel
My Itchy Travel Feet
The Vacation Gals
All brilliant and entertaining blogs, it's hard to make a choose just one. But why not do it any way.
And while you're there, check out the Music Category.
Kerry Dexter, one of my co-bloggers over at Perceptive Travel blog, has had her blog Music Road, which focuses on Irish, Scottish, folk, and country music from many different neighbourhoods, nominated for a bloggie.