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Saturday, March 12, 2011

{how to: braided brass hex nut bracelet}


. . . have always adored bracelets -- gold, silver, sequined, leather, or extravagantly adorned with diamonds or swarovski crystals, but never could imagine that a few things from the hardware store -- a little twine and a few brass nuts -- could be transformed into such a stunningly elegant and
impossibly chic fashion accessory . . .


{you will need:}
3 strands of twine cut into one yard pieces, 18 small brass hex nuts



1. gather the 3 strands of twine and tie a knot at the top, leaving about two inches of slack

2. start braiding

3. at about an inch of the way down, you'll begin braiding in the nuts

4. before you braid the far left strand over the middle strand, thread on a nut, push it against the base of the braid, and crossover; depending on the thickness of the twine, you can wrap tape around the bottom tips to prevent the twine from fraying


5. keep your thumb at the base of the braid, holding the nut in its place

before you braid the far right strand over the middle, thread on another nut, push it against the base of the braid and crossover

again, hold your thumb tightly against the base of the braid, keeping the nuts in place

thread another nut onto the far left piece and crossover


9. repeat the steps, by threading the rest of the nuts to the outer pieces of twine before they are crossed over

10 & 11. thread, cross, thread, cross

12. finish the bracelet with another inch of braided twine and a knot


the bracelet should wrap around your wrist at least two or three times; trim it to your liking


mix with silver and crystal for a rock 'n refined look and you're set xo


{all images & instructions (with edits) from honestly . . . wtf via refinery 29; layouts by this is glamorous}

Disney Daze

It seems that all the bloggy moms are a-twitter on Twitter about Disney World these days. Did something happen and I don't know? Everyone was going to Disney World with their kids! I feel left out. :'(

Oh well, my teen and adult kids probably wouldn't have wanted to go, anyway. They are a bit too old for Disney World. I went with a friend when I was 14 years old. It seems like EONS ago. Florida was SO hot, I felt like I was going to melt (I went in July!). It was a very fun experience, my first time away from home. But you could spent days at Disney World and not see everything. I didn't have any kind of guide or guidelines.

Today's visitors have a bastion of resources at their disposal from the Internet, like
ShopWiki's How to Plan a Disney Vacation. Yeehaw. The article is jam-packed with tips on when is the best time to go, seasonal events, necessary travel essentials, brush up on all the Disney films so your eyes aren't swimming when you get there, hotels, everything. They also have articles on Disney collectibles (I still have my old locket necklace that I bought while there- it cost me a whopping $10 at the time!)

In case you've never heard of ShopWiki, it's a huge Internet shopping resource. They don't sell products, they direct you to products for sale on the web. What's unique about them is that they show EVERYTHING for sale, not only the stores that pay for placement on the search engine results. So ShopWiki is very comprehensive. And their travel articles are very good.

Well, looks like Disney World is out for us (and it's way over our budget, anyway), but we are happy with our own type of travel plans. More on that in the very near future!

Tenaciously Struggling Through the Final Dregs of Winter

I find myself repeating through clenched teeth that spring IS indeed coming. Yes, yes. The snow is melting, and more importantly, the sun will be shining soon. That's very important. I miss sunshine.

But best of all, New York travel and tourist sites fling open their doors after Memorial Day. Oh it is SO difficult to wait that long! I never really understood why we have to wait so long for the travel season to officially open. After spending six months inside all winter, we are bursting at the seams by the end of March!

Well, at least some place are open earlier. I traveled out to the Finger Lakes area last month.
We stopped at the National Women's Hall of Fame and the Women's Rights National Park (post coming up) as well as a few other places.

Womens Rights Marker

I learned a lot about the women's rights movement that began here in Upstate New York.

The time spent was much too brief, though. We are desperate for something like an Outer Banks vacation-- a REAL getaway for an extended period of time, a different environment where we can just RELAX and take it easy. I want to sip iced tea on a warm sandy beach, surrounded by azure ocean waters. Ahhh.

Someday, I hope and pray.

So I am white-knuckling it through the final days of winter. I hope to be getting a new vehicle, too, and that will make travel even more fun. :D Stay tuned! I expect many adventures this year!

Terrific Sports & Recreation Gear and Games!


To make it for your convenience to visit this site, I've added the site on my Web Pages List.
Thank you everyone for visiting!! Have a lovely day ahead!!xoxo...Hanh :)

Kim Anh

If you are in Paris-France and you are tempted to eat Vietnamese food. You should go to Kim Anh. It's located in the 15th arrondissement of Paris, 51 avenue Emile Zola. It is a family-run-restaurant. It's small, cozy, and nice decor. The food is absolutely delicious and just likes mama's home-cooking. It's the best Vietnamese food outside of Saigon. Every single dish that I tasted was perfectly balanced with fresh ingredients. I wish the restaurant was in Dallas, so I could dine there every week.
Believe it or not, I have been dreaming about their seafood salad with pineapples.
Spring roll. (I enjoyed eating it and forgot to take photo when it came out, sorry :) )
Sour hot soup.
Ground beef wrapped in betel leaf.
Thank you everyone for visiting!!! Have a wonderful day ahead!!

Magdalena Sole: Burma

BJP Does The FujiFilm X100

The British Journal of Photography has just featured a hands-on review (not an in-depth one yet) of the FujiFilm X100. 

It appears that the FujiFilm X100 is extremely well designed, handles well (although a bit on the lightweight side according to the photographer using it), with good image performance, and very easy to use.

On the negative side, there's a shutter lag which may or may not spoil the "decisive moment" street photographers lust for, and while it may be part of a pro photographer's would not be his/her main camera.

It's really expensive in Britain, and moderately expensive in the US....and as I wrote in my earlier posts, I don't think the price is justified at all. I've looked at the initial image samples (via BJP's website) and I'm not too impressed.  As I said before, I believe the Panasonic GF1 (which I have and use) beats it hands down in terms of image quality, price and lens interchangeability.