What a difference a week or two makes.
One week we had drenching rains and milder temperatures, the next we had near zero temperatures and snow, tons and tons of snow! I have been looking back on the photos I took of our drive to Paris Green in Sauquoit, NY, and marvel at the difference.
Everyone is blogging about Christmas right now, chatting about the trees or the latest, grooviest
football gift to get or whatever. We don't do Christmas. Not because I'm Jewish or Muslim... just because the holiday is too commercialized, and because I'm not fond of Catholic holidays in general (Christmas was created not to celebrate Jesus' birth, which was in the spring, but to create a syncretistic church where pagans and saturnalia worshipers could feel comfortable). We make Thanksgiving Day our biggest holiday. We don't go gaga over gifts, either.
Christmas is so over-rated. Oh, for some it is a marvelous time to get together with family and friends, that's great. But the hype-- oh, the hype. Maybe some people like it, but as I get older the very LAST thing I want to do on any vacation is go bananas trying to wrap gifts, decorate, clean the house, make scads of meals, and clean up after party guests. I like things more low-key, now.
Although sometimes I kinda wish we would celebrate the holiday... I saw a SWEET SWEET Toshiba laptop at the store! Would make a great gift for me, LOL! ;)
Anyway, the snow makes things much livelier, more cozy around here. I'm going to use the Christmas break for cleaning the house and unpacking more stuff. We never really moved everything back in after the kitchen renovation, and we still have a lot of unorganized shelves and boxes to sort through... and I do plan to take things a little easy, too. :D How about you?