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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Can You See Them?

The slivers of humps-- the Adirondack Mountains on the misty horizon. Can you see them at all?


We went out for a nice drive on Thanksgiving. We made a trip out to the very rural Paris, NY, area. It's very hilly (oh, my van's poor shocks!). It was a nice drive, to get away from it all.... we turned off the computers and my jobs about writing ads for adult acne treatments, the kids set down their mp3 players... and we just drove around for hours. We even brought Livvy the kitty along for the ride (and she did rather well!).

Anyway, in this area between Paris and, say, Herkimer (?), there are a lot of windmills popping up. It's a bitter contention between neighbors-- we say signs in favor of the windmill farms, and others with bitter opposition. I tried to ignore the turbines that are already standing, and squinted to get glimpses of the world's largest national park. It's pretty amazing that you can see them from here.


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