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Saturday, March 26, 2011

Herkimer House to Stay Open!

Yessss!! This is great news for New Yorkers and history lovers.

WKTV in Utica, NY, is reporting that the Nicolas Herkimer Home in Little Falls, once slated for closure due to budget cuts, will remain open.

The state originally said they needed $326,000 to keep the site up and running, but now the park will be doing more with less.... a lot less. Senator James Seward and Assemblyman Marc Butler say they've got an agreement with the Parks and Recreation Department to keep the grounds maintained. The Friends of the Herkimer Home are also pitching in with their support. The site previously employed three or four people, but right now future staffing is up in the air. The good news, $100,000 has been secured in the state budget for the site, but officials plan to stretch it for more lean staffing costs over the next three years.

The Herkimer House was what got me interested in history and travel, way back when I was a girl. I was only 13 years old when I got the history bug. My school class visited the Herkimer Home on a field trip, when I was in 7th grade. At that age, most of my other peers were more concerned with cleansonix reviews, but I was smitten with the colonial era and how people lived back then. I still remember my experiences at the Herkimer Home-- the travel guides were dressed as colonials, and the made old-style Johnny cakes and popcorn for us.

So anyway, I am thrilled to see that the Herkimer Home will not be closed down. The kids and I visited the place so long ago-- and that was before my blog. So we'll have to visit it this year, take lots of pictures and savor the experience. Expect to hear more about it this year. :)


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