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Saturday, March 12, 2011

Terrific Sports & Recreation Gear and Games!

Folks, I saw GREEN GRASS today! Hurray! The snow is melting! It's melting!!!

Pardon my enthusiasm. I'm just a *little* excited. :D It's been a long, dismal winter. We are all looking forward to crawling out of our dark homes into the sunlight again. My muscles are aching for outdoor activity.

This is the year we relax. Last summer, we spent every waking hour working on the house renovation. This year, I have promised the kids that we will have FUN. I have some travel plans that are in the works. I also want to create a very relaxing backyard patio where we can spend our summer evenings in quiet fellowship. I currently have nothing-- no furniture, no outdoor anything, nothing. I'm doing some shopping at CSN Stores in preparation for my plans. I'll probably create a "floating" deck system and build planters and other pretty things around it.

CSN Stores is my new "thing." They have a huge, huge selection from over 200 specialty stores, and the prices are phenomenal. Many items have free shipping, too. They have everything you can imagine- kitchen appliances, swingsets, outdoor playsets, wagons, playground equipment, stuff for make believe (like Indian tents!), and so much more. They also have sports games like croquet, bocce, foosball and tennis tables, just a TON of stuff. I'm so impressed with CSN Stores. Definitely check them out.

But in the meantime, I wait for the snow to melt..... it'll be gone soon, Lord willing!


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