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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Beautiful Weather

Boy have we been spoiled in Upstate New York lately! Here it is, the end of October, and we've had another gloriously balmy day! It's been beautiful, absolutely beautiful! When it rains, it has POURED, but the sun has actually made it out quite a number of times. It's been so beautiful lately.


The kids and I take walks together regularly, and it's been great to walk in such beautiful weather. We even took the little Yorkies out for a walk with us. They are such delightful little dogs. Our beagle used to drag us along after her, she was so rambunctious. But the Yorkies trot along. Of course, now they howl all day long because they want to go back outside!

The guys spent about 2-3 hours raking raking raking the leaves yesterday. What great exercise! Talk about super-duper best fat burners! Exhausted, they took a break for about an hour.Aand came back to this:



There are still about 2/3 of the leaves STILL on the trees yet! I tell them they should wait until all the leaves have fallen... lol.

Anyway, despite our water woes with the basement, the fall weather is lovely. I'd like it to stop raining for a while, though-- a VERY VERY long while!


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