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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Guest Post: Love for CSI: Miami

Since I've been CRAZY BUSY and since my kitchen renovation has pinched my budget as well as my time, I sometimes offer guest post writers the option to write something, for a small fee. This is a post by Mohamed Simon, about CSI: Miami. Since winter is slowing down the travel plans, more folks turn to the DVD player and TV for leisure. Here's Mohamed's post:

When I am watching my satellite TV from at night, my favorite show to watch is CSI: Miami. The show is based in South Florida and follows police and investigation teams as they attempt to solve crimes. The head of the team of investigators is Horatio Caine, who is played by David Caruso. The show also stars Emily Procter and Jonathan Togo, who both portray head detectives.

CSI: Miami is my favorite crime show to watch because it always provides excitement and mystery during every episode. Many crime shows get old because they repeat the same story lines over and over. Fortunately, CSI: Miami does not do this. Rather, every episode has a different story line and a different crime to solve.

So, when I am trying to pick an entertaining crime show to watch, I always choose CSI: Miami. It provides thrill, mystery, and a cool setting. On the show, there is never a shortage of crime in Florida. Not only that, but I love the character Horatio Caine. David Caruso does an excellent job playing the part.

FYI: I am sometimes compensated for posts here. It helps pay my bills and buys gas for travels. This is one of them. Thanks so much for your support!


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