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Friday, February 25, 2011

Montezuma Winery and Plans to Travel

I made some fabulous new connections with New York State travelers and tourist vendors on Twitter. There is an entire community of Twitterers from the Finger Lakes (I am actually from Cayuga County), and it was great finding out wonderful new places to visit and things to do. I'm planning on visiting a posh bed and breakfast in Geneva, NY, in a few weeks, I can't wait for that! I'll have more details and a review soon.

I also discovered the website for my favorite winery, Montezuma Winery. Yay! I am really really hoping we can see the place. I did a review of their unique Cranberry Bog wine.

Montezuma Wine 1

One of my ancestors helped form Howland's Island and the beginnings of the Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge, way back in the mid 1800s. I have been past the place many times, but have never visited.

The Montezuma Winery is so named because it is right in the same area (Seneca Falls area). The owner, George Martin, used to be a beekeeper of all things, but diversified into wine-making. The wines are unique because they are fruit wines, taking advantage of the abundance of delicious fruits that grow in New York State. I love the Cranberry Bog. I have not tried the others yet. I hope to do so when we visit the winery.

I'm pretty excited! I'm starting off 2011 with a TRIP! Woo hoom what could be next, custom laptops?! On the road again, at last! Stay tuned.


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